Happy birthday MusicBuddy!


was release to the public a year ago, and oh boy have that been a ride for me. Over 5000 total downloads! The feedback have both been positive and negative but that’s what I was expecting. I’m very humble for everyone who has given MusicBuddy a try and left feedback, even if it’s negative feedback!


I have been slow with updates and it may have looked like I had abandoned MusicBuddy, but rest easy because I trying my best to be more active with bug fixing and adding features to MusicBuddy! The future of MusicBuddy is looking bright, but I’m not ready yet to show what I have been cooking up while I have been “gone”

Some statics


As we are moving into year 2 of MusicBuddy, I got huge plans for the road ahead! I have learned a lot from the first year of MusicBuddy, and I know I will learn a lot more from the second year of MusicBuddy.

That’s all for now, but more is coming!

Have a nice day!